Monday, September 24, 2012

IM DOWN AGAIN...............

Unfortunatly, I got in another moto wreck. A bunch of cars hit their brakes infront of me comming off the freeway and I wasnt able to slow down fast enough.

2 wrecks, 4 surgeries, 11 broken bones, all in 3 months. This one is gonna take awhile to recover from.

If you're interested in getting some bars and are willing to be patient with me id appreciate the preorders. If not then keep checking in with me and ill let you know when im on my feet and rolling again. At this time I cant tell you how long the wait will be. Thanks everyone for all of your support!  

I still have the Zombie Vs Deer RAFFLE going on till OCT. 1st
theres alot of cool prizes and I have even more that I need to get posted!
Grab up as many tickets as you can!

I also have lots of large and extra large Deer Vs Zombie T-Shirts available!


  1. Impressive scars bro. Hope u mend fast

  2. That's some crazy looking stuff going on there. I'm going to pre order some stfu's when I get paid my bikes not going to be ride able for another year or so
